Basic Commands
Check NPM version
Initialize a new Node.js project
Initialize a new Node.js project with default options
Install all dependencies from package.json
Install a specific package
Install a package globally
Install a package as a development dependency
Install a package at a specific version
Uninstall a package
Uninstall a global package
Running Scripts
Run a script defined in package.json
Start a project (runs the 'start' script)
Run tests (runs the 'test' script)
Run linting (if defined)
Package Management
List all globally installed packages
List all locally installed packages
Update all outdated local packages
Update a specific package
Update global packages
Check for outdated packages
Audit dependencies for vulnerabilities
Fix vulnerabilities
Rebuild node modules
Package Caching
Clear npm cache
View npm cache
Versioning & Publishing
Bump package version (major, minor, or patch)
Publish a package to the npm registry
Unpublish a package (for private packages)
Login to npm registry