Cheat Sheets Help


Basic Commands

Execute a package without installing it

npx <package_name>

Run a specific package version

npx <package_name>@<version>

Run a local project’s binary

npx <binary_name>

Execute a command from a GitHub repository

npx github:<user>/<repo>

Create a new project with a generator

npx <generator_name> <project_name>

Miscellaneous Commands

Run a command with no cache

npx --no-install <package_name>

View NPX version

npx --version

Clear NPX cache

npx clear-npx-cache

Create a new React app

npx create-react-app <app_name>

Create a new Next.js app

npx create-next-app <app_name>

Create a new NestJS project

npx @nestjs/cli new <project_name>

Advanced Usage

Execute a script from a gist


Run a package in a different Node version (via npx)

npx -p node@<version> <command>

Run a package and pass additional parameters

npx <package_name> -- <parameters>
Last modified: 08 September 2024